Freeing Humanity from the Mundane
to Pursue the Exceptional

Etiam pharetra, erat sed fermentum feugiat, velit mauris egestas

Our Heartbeat


Build machines that make life better while valuing and honoring humanity.


Help make a world where people can pursue what they love, allowing every person to bring forth the exceptionalities of what makes them unique. 


Create general artificial intelligence systems that can understand and interact in the world like humans do.

In a Nutshell

Why General AI

The Problem

Limitations of Narrow Systems

Current artificial systems are great for performing single tasks. We have trained Artificial Intelligences to be our GPS, defeat the best Go players, and recognize real world images. Through new development in areas including modular learning AI has been increasingly able to perform more and more complex tasks. However, all of these AI systems fall short when it comes to transferring their learned skills to another task.

One amazing thing about humans is that if you teach them one skill, they can apply what they learned to another similar skill.  AI cannot do this because they cannot generalize the information they have learned. These AI do not understand the meaning of the patterns they find, they just use and exploit them. It turns out that helping these systems understand  is quite an arduous task and something that has stumped researchers for a long time. 

Our Solution

The Power of Generalization

Imagine a system that use its skills of reasoning in detecting brain tumors to teach itself to detect any kind of tumor, and then to detect other abnormalities in the data without us having to explicitly train it. Or a self-driving car that understands the ramifications of a car-crash and the effects on a person’s family. Training AI to generalize and apply what it learns to new tasks will completely transform every industry as we know them, drastically increase the caliber of technologies we can create, and ease the time needed to train these models.

General AI Systems is developing advanced networks of artificial intelligence systems configured to generalize concepts and solve increasingly complex problems. What makes us so confident we can solve such a challenging problem that others have failed to solve? We believe we know specifically how to create this system and have a technology roadmap to achieve a machine that can think and interact in the real world like humans do through generalization. Our founder has been refining this model for nearly a decade, and it is only now that the tools and datasets needed to fully bring this vision to a reality are available. The time is ripe, and our team is ready for whatever hurdles come our way.

Click below for more information about our vision and current status.

Social Covenant

Our Moral Conviction

Engraining Ethics from Day 1

Ethical AI Starts with Us

Incorporating strong ethical convictions into our model is a top priority. We strive to create a model that fundamentally cares for others. Our goal is not to create a model that only acts ethically, but a model that understands the importance of love and justice. 

Here at General AI Systems, we believe that creating an ethical AI starts with our team treating each other with compassion, living out the morals we are instilling in our AI model.

For more information about our moral vision and the practical ways we are creating an ethical model and an ethical team, check out our ‘Moral Convictions’ page or click the button below. 

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